I just wanna break you down so badly in the worst way! I'm gonna Make Damn Sure that you can't ever leave!
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Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Posting Pertamax
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. yak, inilah posting pertamax ane. doakan saja ane sering2 ngapdet blog ini. rencananya sih, blog ini buat sharing link download gitu. secara, ane suka bgt unduh2 gitu. Wassalam
It's alright.to tell me.what you think.about me. I won't try.to argue.or hold it.against you
Only 1 word that can describe me, namely:
Maybe it's just me, couldn't you believe, that everything i said & did, wasn't just deceiving,,,
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